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Hugh McNally
Fairfield University / MD 403
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The Streeplay Middle School is an imaginary institution located somewhere in the American Midwest in a place where the children do not play in the street and don't know that such things exist. It is dedicated to making its students' lives richer, more fun, and more literate.

triangleStates of Matter: Pathfinder
Mr. McNally's Science Class

Think about it: most of the stuff around us is either solid, liquid, or gas. Add to that a couple of more things you'd find in outer space or the laboratory and you have the whole collection of what's called "states of matter." Here's some good places to read all about it, take a few quizzes, and maybe get so interested that you'll learn more than just the 5 terms used to describe... well... everything!

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Creative Commons License
Streetplay Middle School Library by Hugh McNally is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Based on a work at